A New Lease On Life For Garden Tools - Give To Grow Ōtepoti

While we don’t all need the shiniest, newest gadgets for gardening, growing food for yourself and others is certainly a lot easier when you have some of the right stuff to do it with…

Give To Grow is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to redistribute surplus gardening tools and resources to people who do not have easy access to gardening gear. Through their vision of “growth through generosity and gardening", they aim to promote the idea that cultivating the earth together and sharing garden produce promotes trust and cooperation in our communities.

Give To Grow are always happy to receive donations and accept old and new garden tools that are ready to use. They also accept tools and resources that can be easily repaired for use. 

In fact, this Saturday (11th of May) Give To Grow are hosting their first monthly working bee to do just that. They want to give donated garden tools some TLC before they go out to their new owners. This session will involve refurbishing gardening tools to prepare them for distribution, then some light gardening work in our communal gardening space if time permits.

Following this Saturday, May 11th, these regular working bees will be held on the second Saturday of each month at their HQ at 14 Bridgman Street, Dunedin (right by the Oval).

Volunteering with Give To Grow is a fantastic way to meet new friends and contribute to making Ōtepoti more resilient! 

If you want to take part in this valuable mahi, please get in touch with Give To Grow via email ( kiaora@givetogrow.nz ) or their Facebook Page


Ōtepoti Food Futures: Stimulating Cooperation on Local Food Resilience!


The Humble Broad Bean is a Loyal Friend of Dunedin Gardens