Community Fruit Harvest Boasting Bumper Season
The Community Fruit Harvest (CFH) is a nationwide, volunteer-based initiative to pick surplus fruit (and other produce) from people’s gardens. This fruit then gets distributed back to the community. In a time where our country is facing growing food insecurity, a cost of living crisis and a climate emergency, creating a food resilient community is more important than ever.
Keen volunteers putting in the mahi.
In late 2023, the project set itself a goal: Pick 1.5 tonnes (1500kg) of fruit by the end of April.
While it’s been active for a few years, the project has been exploding this past summer. With just under two months left to pick (and with heavier fruit like apples and pears on the way) the CFH has already picked approximately 1200kg. That’s a lot of plums!
This hefty amount has been picked over 30 picking shifts, on 27 properties by 75 volunteers. An amazing collective effort.
After rescuing produce from properties around Dunedin, they’ve been distributing the fruits of their labour to organisations like SuperGrans, Pātaka Ora, The Red Cross (supporting refugee families), food banks, and pātaka kai around the city.
Plums, plums, plums…
If you’re interested in volunteering or if you have fruit trees on your property that you would be happy to offer, get in touch.
Find out more here.
Fill out a sign up form here
Email here: