Celebrating the Community Fruit Harvest

It can’t all just be hard mahi…. Sometimes we have to party too! 

On Saturday 28th of April., 11:00am - 2:30pm, the Community Fruit Harvest will host its annual Harvest Festival at The Valley Project in North East Valley.

And there really is something to celebrate…

This year the Community Fruit Harvest has rescued more produce than ever before. Over the summer and into the autumn, CFH’s dedicated volunteers have picked close to 4000 kg of fruit and distributed it to the community. The vast majority of this has come from people’s private back yards and has been delivered to organisations like Kiwi Harvest, Presbyterian Support, Pātaka Ora, Supergrans, as well as many community kai pantries (Pātaka Kai), feeding hungry folks and contributing to making Ōtepoti a more resilient city.

The celebration will include apple & pear pressing, a jam-making competition (which guests can taste and judge!), community stalls, and a 2nd hand market. There will also be workshops like “Vinegar From Anything with Gav” as well as tours of the inspiring NEV Community Garden. This will all be accompanied by live music from talented locals like Rohana Weaver, Jackson Caine, Paul Allen, and James Dignan.

The party is completely free to attend and is open to anyone. So mark your calendar and get excited to celebrate an extremely meaningful and growing project!

When: 28.04.2024 // 11am - 2:30pm
Where: The Valley Project - 262 North Road, North East Valley, Dunedin


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